Whole Numbers Integers

Introduction to whole numbers and integers

Whole number: The term whole number does not have a consistent definition. The whole number means is a set of collection of numbers including all non negative integers (0,1,...) and all positive integers(1,,3,...) and all integers(...,-3,--1,0,1,3,...).

For example: 8, 78, -676 are all the whole number.

Integer: The integer is formed by the natural numbers including zero (0, 1, 3...) together with negatives of the non zero natural numbers that is -1,-3....etc. That number also viewed as subset of a real number, The integer can be written without a decimal compound or fractional and it fall with the set of (... -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,...).

For example: 76, 9, and -765 are integers. 1.9 And '1 2/3' are not integers.

Basic properties of whole numbers

Here we are going to study about the properties of whole numbers .

1 )Commutative property of addition of whole number :

Addition is a commutative switching the order of 2 numbers being added and the value of the result remains same.

Example: 100 + 7 = 7 + 100 = 107

2)Commutative property of multiplication of whole number:

Multiplication is a commutative switching the orders of 2 numbers being multiply.

For example: 100 x 7 = 7 x 100 = 700.

3)Associative property of whole number:

The addition and multiplication are associative: The same order of that number in grouped together and gives the same answer.

For example:(10 + 2) + 7 = 10 + (2 + 7) = 19

6 × (2 × 10) = (6 × 2) × 10 =120

4)Distributive Property:

The distributive property of multiplication over the addition: multiplication may be distributed over addition.

For example:5 × (10 + 8) = (5 × 10) + (5 × 8)

4 × (12 +11) = (4 × 12) + (4 × 11)

5) Zero property of whole number:

If we add zero to a number, the value of the number remains same. So the zero is a additive identity.

For example: 99 + 0 = 99

Multiplying of any no by zero results zero.

For example: 99 x 0 = 0

Basic properties of whole no integersintegers:

Here we study about the some basic properties of whole nos integers .

1) Commutative property of addition of whole nos integers:

The commutative property of addition tells that we can add nos in any order.

For example: -4 + two = two+ (-4)

2) Commutative property of multiplication of whole nos integers:

The commutative property of multiplication tells that we can multiply nos in any order doesn't change result.

For example: -4 x two = two x (-4).

3) Associative property of addition of whole no. integers:

The associative property of Addition tells that we can group together then we get the same result.

For Example : (-4 + two) + 3 = -4 + (two + 3)

4) Associative property of multiplication of whole no. integers:

The associative property of multiplication tells that we can group together in a product then we get the same answer.

For example : -4(2) x 3 = -4(2x 3)

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