Considering K To12 Online Classes

      The rapid growth of online K-12 education has made all public high-school students progressively demand to take at least one class online. Students believe taking K-12 classes online will help anyone, easily register for such classes overcoming geographical boundaries. In various U.S. states, students are emphasizing on the usage of various mobile phone applications to upload courses in their entirety on their iPhones and BlackBerrys. According to Evergreen Education Group (2011 report), "Nationwide, an estimated 250,000 students are enrolled in to full-time virtual schools, up 40% in the last three years."

However, all K-12 schools and colleges should keep a few tips in mind before starting to introduce online classes for the benefit of the student community.

Students Vary As Do Their Needs

People who come to learn have their own interests and requirements to meet. It is misleading to believe that online classes or courses will be a solution to all K-12 education. However, the fact remains that an increasing number of students will encounter at least one online course during their high school or college progression.

What is the Respective Quality of Available Educational Options?

Before organizing and scheduling classes over the internet, one should be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the employed academic staff. For example, after introducing online classes, one may find the class attendance level to be rapidly decreasing because of the inability of the teachers and administrative staff to resolve student queries.

What Courses Work Well Online and Which Do Not?

K To 12 Online School

A math class or a statistics class can work well online compared to a literature class where face-to-face discussions and high interactivity is desired. Science classes that mostly include practical experimentations may also lose something noteworthy in online translation. Students may prefer to learn some subjects face-to-face in the presence of skilled teachers rather than study them online.


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